
New Job

I got a new job yesterday, applied for it last week but got the offer and official announcement yesterday. It is at the same place I have been working the last year but it is a nice promotion. I am now Financial Officer, will be taking care of accounting functions but mainly the financial statements, the investment portfolio and a few other finance functions.

I am very happy about this because it is a huge step in the direction of where I want my career to go, a much bigger step than I would of thought would come at this point. The one thing that I am the most excited about though is that I get an office, haha. Four walls, a door, ceiling and floor, you know the whole office experience haha. It may be a dumb thing to be happy about but Ive never had my own office before and I am looking forward to that. This starts on Monday.

Game 7 tomorrow. It is great that such an awesome post-season is ending in the best possible way. Lets go Pens, need to put together the perfect away game to pull this one off.


*B "You hit that guy..." *DB "Your joking?" *B "Why would I joke about that?"

DB=Douche Bag

I played golf yesterday afternoon, first game of the year, beautiful day, had a good time.

One thing happened though. I saw a guy get hit in the head with a golf ball. Seriously thought he was dead for a moment. We had a foursome and were walking, a threesome in carts was behind us. We were not holding them up at all, in fact we were playing real fast, but after 9, even though we had already hit our drives they wanted to play through. Was not necessary but we let just cause who cares? It was a nice Saturday so what does it matter.

Now when you ask to play through you now have 4 guys watching you tee off, would of been good if even one of them hit the fairway, not the case though. One of them is trailing off to the left and you can see a few guys standing down there playing on an opposite fairway, sort of in the trees lining the two holes. Most people would call "four" at this time.

Sure its an odd thing to say in an attempt to allow a fellow golfer a chance to shield whatever part of his/her body he/she deems most worthy of said shielding. But who am I or anyone else to question common ettiquette and for that matter an absolute must when the safety of someone else is involved.

So DB nor any of his friends give any warning to the group playing on the other hole. Now picture this a ball is hit and about 250 yards away the sound is still quite audible to us up near the tee. It was a thud of monstrous proportions. It sounded like when you jump of a diving board and as you enter the water you are wacking a pool noodle as hard as you can against said water. That kind of a thud, only it was not compressed foam and H2O, it was a rock hard, aerodynamic ball and a mans skull. The guy dropped immediately. It was not an ouch my head hurts I am going to drop to the ground like I play Serie A Italian soccer (sorry "football"). No, he dropped like mike tyson just punched him in the jaw. Knees buckled, out like a light, "where am I" droppage. No one says anything.

I say "You hit that guy..."
The response I get was "Your joking?"
I reply "Why would I joke about that?"

Now the guys buddies are running over to see if he was alright. And these morons who just were responsible for maybe killing the guy are more worried about hitting their remaining shots before going to see if the mans okay. BTW, hes still out like a light on the ground.

The last thing the guy says before heading out there is, "I hope they dont pick up my ball". ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?! You could of killed the guy and your worried about a golf ball? Now okay golf balls can be expensive, sometimes i will hit $6 Pro V1's but come on, i would sacrifice a $6 ball to make sure someone is still breathing.

Anyways, the guy did get up, real happy about that. Could of been a much worse situation if he did not. Never thought I would see that.

A Plea...If you are golfing and you are a mucker, like basically everyone without some professional tour card is, you are going to have bad shots. Please do the right thing and warn others who are just trying to enjoy a nice day on the course of the potential death strike rocketing toward them by saying one simple word in your outside voice, "Four!" That is all you have to do, ya it is a dumb word but your dumb if you dont yell it when you should.


Malkin from Stall and Letang

I played my first hockey game last night and it felt real good. I did not have the endurance of before yet but I know that will come back. I am just real happy that there was no pain during or after. I was stressing about that because the last thing I wanted was to be hurt again and also I was just dying to play. So needless to say I am very happy with how that went. Also on the hockey note, we won...hrmm 1-0 with me in the lineup, telling stat, haha.

Lets hope the Pens can pull out another great performance and really extend this series. If they win tonight the momentum will be officially shifted and the series will no doubt turn out to be a far greater match than one would of thought after the first two games.

I am starting to shovel alot of money into my car for repairs. Starting to wonder if it is time to look at getting something new. Not that I want to because I really do like my car alot and also it is very nice to own it straight up and have no payments at all. Also not sure if I would go with used or new if I did decide to get something else, well of course new has the bigger costs, it would certainly avoid some of the repair costs of a used vehicle. Need to make this decision sooner than later.

P.S. The title of this post is what it is because as I was about to hit the Post button I realized I did not have a title, I then thought what could I ever title such a post. Then at that moment Jim Hughson anounced the scoring play that just occured. neat.