
alive, sort of, kind of

Well my surgery was a couple of days ago and I am sort of starting to feel better. The day of was real rough, could not stand up without feeling extremely dizzy and nauseous, and they were trying to rush me out of the hospital far earlier than I should of been sent away. Did make it home though and spent the day/night in bed. The second day i woke up feeling 100 times better and was actually able to get out of bed. Spent the day on the couch playing xbox (thank you mass). Today I feel a little better again, starting to cut back on the drugs and the pain is somewhat subsiding. Hopefully the progress continues and at least a little bit of my time off can be enjoyable.

Round One Predictions
Boston v Montreal: Boston in 5
Washington v New York: Washington in 6
New Jersey v Carolina: New Jersey in 6
Pittsburgh v Philadelphia: Pittsburgh in 5
San Jose v Anaheim: San Jose in 7
Detroit v Columbus: Detroit in 4
Vancouver v St Louis: Vancouver in 5
Chicago v Calgary: Chicago in 6

It looks like I am choosing all favourites but with the way some teams have played down the stretch in come cases the favourites based on standing dont have the momentum as thier opponent. These predictions are a bit late but i have not watched any of the game ones yet due to being drugged up and in pain so i think this is fair.


  1. feel better bud. remember, i'm bored as all eff, so gimme a shout and ill happily woop your medicated ass at xbox

  2. Glad to hear you came through surgery well. Rest up and don't overdo it bud.

  3. Glad to hear you're doing well.

    Something tells me that you're healing process will take a miraculous jump tonight when the Habs get swept. Try not to do any cartwheels.

    Get better buddy, and let me know if you need anything.
