I got a new job yesterday, applied for it last week but got the offer and official announcement yesterday. It is at the same place I have been working the last year but it is a nice promotion. I am now Financial Officer, will be taking care of accounting functions but mainly the financial statements, the investment portfolio and a few other finance functions.
I am very happy about this because it is a huge step in the direction of where I want my career to go, a much bigger step than I would of thought would come at this point. The one thing that I am the most excited about though is that I get an office, haha. Four walls, a door, ceiling and floor, you know the whole office experience haha. It may be a dumb thing to be happy about but Ive never had my own office before and I am looking forward to that. This starts on Monday.
Game 7 tomorrow. It is great that such an awesome post-season is ending in the best possible way. Lets go Pens, need to put together the perfect away game to pull this one off.
*B "You hit that guy..." *DB "Your joking?" *B "Why would I joke about that?"
DB=Douche Bag
I played golf yesterday afternoon, first game of the year, beautiful day, had a good time.
One thing happened though. I saw a guy get hit in the head with a golf ball. Seriously thought he was dead for a moment. We had a foursome and were walking, a threesome in carts was behind us. We were not holding them up at all, in fact we were playing real fast, but after 9, even though we had already hit our drives they wanted to play through. Was not necessary but we let just cause who cares? It was a nice Saturday so what does it matter.
Now when you ask to play through you now have 4 guys watching you tee off, would of been good if even one of them hit the fairway, not the case though. One of them is trailing off to the left and you can see a few guys standing down there playing on an opposite fairway, sort of in the trees lining the two holes. Most people would call "four" at this time.
Sure its an odd thing to say in an attempt to allow a fellow golfer a chance to shield whatever part of his/her body he/she deems most worthy of said shielding. But who am I or anyone else to question common ettiquette and for that matter an absolute must when the safety of someone else is involved.
So DB nor any of his friends give any warning to the group playing on the other hole. Now picture this a ball is hit and about 250 yards away the sound is still quite audible to us up near the tee. It was a thud of monstrous proportions. It sounded like when you jump of a diving board and as you enter the water you are wacking a pool noodle as hard as you can against said water. That kind of a thud, only it was not compressed foam and H2O, it was a rock hard, aerodynamic ball and a mans skull. The guy dropped immediately. It was not an ouch my head hurts I am going to drop to the ground like I play Serie A Italian soccer (sorry "football"). No, he dropped like mike tyson just punched him in the jaw. Knees buckled, out like a light, "where am I" droppage. No one says anything.
I say "You hit that guy..."
The response I get was "Your joking?"
I reply "Why would I joke about that?"
Now the guys buddies are running over to see if he was alright. And these morons who just were responsible for maybe killing the guy are more worried about hitting their remaining shots before going to see if the mans okay. BTW, hes still out like a light on the ground.
The last thing the guy says before heading out there is, "I hope they dont pick up my ball". ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?! You could of killed the guy and your worried about a golf ball? Now okay golf balls can be expensive, sometimes i will hit $6 Pro V1's but come on, i would sacrifice a $6 ball to make sure someone is still breathing.
Anyways, the guy did get up, real happy about that. Could of been a much worse situation if he did not. Never thought I would see that.
A Plea...If you are golfing and you are a mucker, like basically everyone without some professional tour card is, you are going to have bad shots. Please do the right thing and warn others who are just trying to enjoy a nice day on the course of the potential death strike rocketing toward them by saying one simple word in your outside voice, "Four!" That is all you have to do, ya it is a dumb word but your dumb if you dont yell it when you should.
DB=Douche Bag
I played golf yesterday afternoon, first game of the year, beautiful day, had a good time.
One thing happened though. I saw a guy get hit in the head with a golf ball. Seriously thought he was dead for a moment. We had a foursome and were walking, a threesome in carts was behind us. We were not holding them up at all, in fact we were playing real fast, but after 9, even though we had already hit our drives they wanted to play through. Was not necessary but we let just cause who cares? It was a nice Saturday so what does it matter.
Now when you ask to play through you now have 4 guys watching you tee off, would of been good if even one of them hit the fairway, not the case though. One of them is trailing off to the left and you can see a few guys standing down there playing on an opposite fairway, sort of in the trees lining the two holes. Most people would call "four" at this time.
Sure its an odd thing to say in an attempt to allow a fellow golfer a chance to shield whatever part of his/her body he/she deems most worthy of said shielding. But who am I or anyone else to question common ettiquette and for that matter an absolute must when the safety of someone else is involved.
So DB nor any of his friends give any warning to the group playing on the other hole. Now picture this a ball is hit and about 250 yards away the sound is still quite audible to us up near the tee. It was a thud of monstrous proportions. It sounded like when you jump of a diving board and as you enter the water you are wacking a pool noodle as hard as you can against said water. That kind of a thud, only it was not compressed foam and H2O, it was a rock hard, aerodynamic ball and a mans skull. The guy dropped immediately. It was not an ouch my head hurts I am going to drop to the ground like I play Serie A Italian soccer (sorry "football"). No, he dropped like mike tyson just punched him in the jaw. Knees buckled, out like a light, "where am I" droppage. No one says anything.
I say "You hit that guy..."
The response I get was "Your joking?"
I reply "Why would I joke about that?"
Now the guys buddies are running over to see if he was alright. And these morons who just were responsible for maybe killing the guy are more worried about hitting their remaining shots before going to see if the mans okay. BTW, hes still out like a light on the ground.
The last thing the guy says before heading out there is, "I hope they dont pick up my ball". ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?! You could of killed the guy and your worried about a golf ball? Now okay golf balls can be expensive, sometimes i will hit $6 Pro V1's but come on, i would sacrifice a $6 ball to make sure someone is still breathing.
Anyways, the guy did get up, real happy about that. Could of been a much worse situation if he did not. Never thought I would see that.
A Plea...If you are golfing and you are a mucker, like basically everyone without some professional tour card is, you are going to have bad shots. Please do the right thing and warn others who are just trying to enjoy a nice day on the course of the potential death strike rocketing toward them by saying one simple word in your outside voice, "Four!" That is all you have to do, ya it is a dumb word but your dumb if you dont yell it when you should.
Malkin from Stall and Letang
I played my first hockey game last night and it felt real good. I did not have the endurance of before yet but I know that will come back. I am just real happy that there was no pain during or after. I was stressing about that because the last thing I wanted was to be hurt again and also I was just dying to play. So needless to say I am very happy with how that went. Also on the hockey note, we won...hrmm 1-0 with me in the lineup, telling stat, haha.
Lets hope the Pens can pull out another great performance and really extend this series. If they win tonight the momentum will be officially shifted and the series will no doubt turn out to be a far greater match than one would of thought after the first two games.
I am starting to shovel alot of money into my car for repairs. Starting to wonder if it is time to look at getting something new. Not that I want to because I really do like my car alot and also it is very nice to own it straight up and have no payments at all. Also not sure if I would go with used or new if I did decide to get something else, well of course new has the bigger costs, it would certainly avoid some of the repair costs of a used vehicle. Need to make this decision sooner than later.
P.S. The title of this post is what it is because as I was about to hit the Post button I realized I did not have a title, I then thought what could I ever title such a post. Then at that moment Jim Hughson anounced the scoring play that just occured. neat.
Lets hope the Pens can pull out another great performance and really extend this series. If they win tonight the momentum will be officially shifted and the series will no doubt turn out to be a far greater match than one would of thought after the first two games.
I am starting to shovel alot of money into my car for repairs. Starting to wonder if it is time to look at getting something new. Not that I want to because I really do like my car alot and also it is very nice to own it straight up and have no payments at all. Also not sure if I would go with used or new if I did decide to get something else, well of course new has the bigger costs, it would certainly avoid some of the repair costs of a used vehicle. Need to make this decision sooner than later.
P.S. The title of this post is what it is because as I was about to hit the Post button I realized I did not have a title, I then thought what could I ever title such a post. Then at that moment Jim Hughson anounced the scoring play that just occured. neat.
The End is Near
Stanley Cup Finals, the best. Thanks for asking.
Pittsburgh in 6, wishful thinking? Id say but I want to see them get it done. I have seemingly been cheering for the young, underdog teams more often than not this whole post-season so why stop now? I saw an interview with Malkin today, that guy is nothing but Russian, just listen to him talk. Scratch that, he is a Soviet, the last survivor, there I said it.
Would have been hard to guess this match up for the finals again. Detroit is the perennial easy pick to come out of the West so no surprise there. Pittsburgh seemed like they lost alot in the off-season but made some good moves throughout the year and in my opinion are stronger overall than last year at this time.
Anthony made a post about Korean politics. That is awesome. Best political convos ever have been between him and myself. He mentioned the current situation over there, and all I can say is some people are just insane. I would say that I am about 96% opposed to war/violence. The remaining 4% is for when there is people lurking around that need to be gotten rid of for the good of everyone. That little weiner in North Korea needs a bomb dropped on his palace so that we never have to hear about potential resurrections of wars that have been over for half a century again.
Every one watch Game 1 tonight, the end of one of the most amazing playoffs in quite some time is almost here so enjoy it while you can.
Pittsburgh in 6, wishful thinking? Id say but I want to see them get it done. I have seemingly been cheering for the young, underdog teams more often than not this whole post-season so why stop now? I saw an interview with Malkin today, that guy is nothing but Russian, just listen to him talk. Scratch that, he is a Soviet, the last survivor, there I said it.
Would have been hard to guess this match up for the finals again. Detroit is the perennial easy pick to come out of the West so no surprise there. Pittsburgh seemed like they lost alot in the off-season but made some good moves throughout the year and in my opinion are stronger overall than last year at this time.
Anthony made a post about Korean politics. That is awesome. Best political convos ever have been between him and myself. He mentioned the current situation over there, and all I can say is some people are just insane. I would say that I am about 96% opposed to war/violence. The remaining 4% is for when there is people lurking around that need to be gotten rid of for the good of everyone. That little weiner in North Korea needs a bomb dropped on his palace so that we never have to hear about potential resurrections of wars that have been over for half a century again.
Every one watch Game 1 tonight, the end of one of the most amazing playoffs in quite some time is almost here so enjoy it while you can.
That is one sexy eleven year old...
My car you sickos...I washed it up today inside and out and it looks spectacular. Nice shine happening, a lack of dust and dirt on the interior, it must be spring time. I cannot believe the amount of trash that was found under the seats of that car, like what was some of that stuff? Probably paid for my coffee for the week too with the coin found in random cracks.
Come on Chicago, get it together. That is all I am going to say about that.
Watched the UFC event last night (thank you Jesse for the hospitality). I cannot understand the popularity of that sport though. Granted it is cool to see someone get knocked out, and a good battle between two evenly matched guys can be exciting. But in the limited viewing experience i have with said sport I have yet to see the excitement overcome my lack of caring. Too much sizing up and dancing around. I dunno, just my opinion, I am all for combat sports I just dont put it on the same level as the traditional major sports, but with the popularity of it and the amount of money they are bringing in there must be alot of people that disagree with me. So good for the UFC for that success, I will occaisionaly watch a pay-per-view but more so becuase it is what my friends are doing that night than for the actual event.
A friend of mine was questioning why i had not posted on here lately. So hopefully this makes him happy. This also brings up two questions of mine though, 1) Does he not have anything better to do than to read my blog. Come on it is just my bad opinions about useless stuff. 2) Why did no one else miss my posts after about a week of inactivity? Come on people, show the love.
Come on Chicago, get it together. That is all I am going to say about that.
Watched the UFC event last night (thank you Jesse for the hospitality). I cannot understand the popularity of that sport though. Granted it is cool to see someone get knocked out, and a good battle between two evenly matched guys can be exciting. But in the limited viewing experience i have with said sport I have yet to see the excitement overcome my lack of caring. Too much sizing up and dancing around. I dunno, just my opinion, I am all for combat sports I just dont put it on the same level as the traditional major sports, but with the popularity of it and the amount of money they are bringing in there must be alot of people that disagree with me. So good for the UFC for that success, I will occaisionaly watch a pay-per-view but more so becuase it is what my friends are doing that night than for the actual event.
A friend of mine was questioning why i had not posted on here lately. So hopefully this makes him happy. This also brings up two questions of mine though, 1) Does he not have anything better to do than to read my blog. Come on it is just my bad opinions about useless stuff. 2) Why did no one else miss my posts after about a week of inactivity? Come on people, show the love.
Hockey is Cool
With the Conference Finals here the days of multiple games on every night are gone, and that is sad. All four series from last round were amazing (three go the distance to seven games, are you serious?). Also the Ottawa of the West is out so that makes me happy.
If you have even a passing interest in hockey you should be salivating at the idea of the potential Pittsburgh-Chicago final. That would be absolutely amazing for so many reasons...
Of course I am cheering for Pittsburgh, did you not read the first part of this post? Everyone knows I was going for Washington last round. That had nothing to do with a dislike for Pittsburgh but more so due to a budding man-crush for Ovechkin. I make fun of Sidney 'Promise-Ring' Crosby alot, but come on, he is an amazing player and I want to see him win. If for no other reason than I would assume Mario would finally let Sid stay out past 10:30 for a night of celebrations.
While the Wings are a great team I just really want to see all the young guys on Chicago get to the finals, they are way too exciting to not see in the next round. The one great thing about this series is regardless of who wins, there will not be any Stanley Cup Final games played at 10:30 because thankfully no west coast teams are around. So we can all watch the Finals and still be productive members of society the next day, nice.
So there you have it, not my predictions but my hopes of who will prevail in the Conference Finals. The playoffs have been amazing thus far and it looks like they will continue that trend in the next couple of weeks.
If you have even a passing interest in hockey you should be salivating at the idea of the potential Pittsburgh-Chicago final. That would be absolutely amazing for so many reasons...
- Two young teams
- Both offensive powers
- Pittsburgh knowing how it feels to lose in the finals and never wanting that to happen again
- Chicago seemingly toying with all competition by continually spotting them early leads only to come roaring back
- Pittsburgh has two of the top scorers in the league
- Chicago has probably the most balanced offensive game of any team in the league
- The speed and back and forth play in such a final would be amazing
- Lets not forget the goalies and defence, both teams are very adequate, to say the least, in those areas
Of course I am cheering for Pittsburgh, did you not read the first part of this post? Everyone knows I was going for Washington last round. That had nothing to do with a dislike for Pittsburgh but more so due to a budding man-crush for Ovechkin. I make fun of Sidney 'Promise-Ring' Crosby alot, but come on, he is an amazing player and I want to see him win. If for no other reason than I would assume Mario would finally let Sid stay out past 10:30 for a night of celebrations.
While the Wings are a great team I just really want to see all the young guys on Chicago get to the finals, they are way too exciting to not see in the next round. The one great thing about this series is regardless of who wins, there will not be any Stanley Cup Final games played at 10:30 because thankfully no west coast teams are around. So we can all watch the Finals and still be productive members of society the next day, nice.
So there you have it, not my predictions but my hopes of who will prevail in the Conference Finals. The playoffs have been amazing thus far and it looks like they will continue that trend in the next couple of weeks.
A few things
Two Monday's in a row turn out to be absolutely amazing hockey nights and of course I am not watching either one of them. They are the only two days I have not watched at least one game since the playoffs started and they happen to be the two best ones in recent memory. So, if anyone wants me for anything this coming Monday I will be unavailable, unless its to watch hockey.
I am going back to work tomorrow, it will be exactly 4 weeks to the day since having surgery. This whole situation has really been dragging out and I am glad to be getting back to my normal life a little bit. I expected to be working again two weeks ago so this whole extended time off has really bothered me. The doctor says two more weeks and I can get back to everything I was doing before with no restrictions, I am looking very forward to that date so that I can just forget all the nonsense of this situation. Thanks again for everyone that has been real helpful and supportive, for coming to visit/hang out or offering rides to places, etc. greatly appreciated.
The time off was at least a little productive, once I was off the drugs I was able to get some studying done, finished reading the CSC V2 textbook and plan to write the volume 2 exam sometime in June after some good review time and practice with the formulas, ratios, etc.
I am cleaning my closet out today, never realized how much junk I have been throwing in there and completely forgetting about (was it really easier to throw empty shoe boxes into the back of the closet rather than take them right to the recycling bin?).
I am going back to work tomorrow, it will be exactly 4 weeks to the day since having surgery. This whole situation has really been dragging out and I am glad to be getting back to my normal life a little bit. I expected to be working again two weeks ago so this whole extended time off has really bothered me. The doctor says two more weeks and I can get back to everything I was doing before with no restrictions, I am looking very forward to that date so that I can just forget all the nonsense of this situation. Thanks again for everyone that has been real helpful and supportive, for coming to visit/hang out or offering rides to places, etc. greatly appreciated.
The time off was at least a little productive, once I was off the drugs I was able to get some studying done, finished reading the CSC V2 textbook and plan to write the volume 2 exam sometime in June after some good review time and practice with the formulas, ratios, etc.
I am cleaning my closet out today, never realized how much junk I have been throwing in there and completely forgetting about (was it really easier to throw empty shoe boxes into the back of the closet rather than take them right to the recycling bin?).
On the way back
Went for my first 'run' today since the surgery three weeks ago. The term run was used very liberally in the previous sentence because based on where I was at three weeks ago this hardly compared. I ran 1 mile in 9:40, before all this I was doing 1 milers in well under 5 mins. and actually cannot remember the last time I ran such a short distance. So needless to say there is a long way to go to get back. Hopefully there is no ill effects from doing that today, the pain was tolerable but I could feel my stride compensating for the weaknesses and that is somewhat worrisome, going to have to wait and see.
I plan to go back to work next week, cannot wait for that, get back to life as normal as well as start getting paid again.
I plan to go back to work next week, cannot wait for that, get back to life as normal as well as start getting paid again.
You do realize he is watching you...

The good people of wikipedia would be happy to give you some more details about this super cute animal.
They Better Learn
So I am watching the first period of Vancouver @ Chicago game 3, Vancouver has a power play early on...
If Mats Sundin is standing at the top of the circle, on the power play, tapping his stick to call for the puck, YOU PASS HIM THE PUCK.
You do not pass to the other side of the ice as Kevin Bieksa chose to do, because lets face it, Sundin is the most gifted offensive player on that team and after years of watching him play I can say that when he calls for the puck it means he is going to put it in the net.
Hopefully Mats fills in his new teammates of the way a power play is run when #13 is on the ice.
If Mats Sundin is standing at the top of the circle, on the power play, tapping his stick to call for the puck, YOU PASS HIM THE PUCK.
You do not pass to the other side of the ice as Kevin Bieksa chose to do, because lets face it, Sundin is the most gifted offensive player on that team and after years of watching him play I can say that when he calls for the puck it means he is going to put it in the net.
Hopefully Mats fills in his new teammates of the way a power play is run when #13 is on the ice.
A Little Bit Canadian?
Canadian hockey is the envy of every country who has even just one player that laces up. This is not an opinion, a biased statement or a rant. It is a fact. Canadian hockey is great for many reasons, the players are amazing individually and as a whole, national teams create a sum of parts that cannot be matched.
Of the many traits that make a Canadian hockey player great, three are of utmost importance to make one in the top tier:
1. Skill - not much explanation needed, skills gained from a lifetime of practice and competing makes a Canadian hockey player unmatched (skating, shooting, passing, being awesome, etc.).
2. Grit - watch any playoff game and you will know what I mean, throwing big hits, taking big hits to make a play, blocking shots with any body part that will get the job done (covered by equipment or not).
3. Passion - the love for the game, the chasing of the dream, for every player that makes it there are thousands of guys that do not, all have the same love for the game and each guy that makes it represents the passion of every guy that does not.
There are lots of amazing players from around the world, and the truly great ones sometimes even display these traits to some degree. None though as much as Ovechkin. He is simply amazing and there is not one player I would prefer to watch right now more than him.
1. Skill - watch sportscentre any day after a Capitals game and you will see. He has insane speed, a killer shot (both in terms of velocity and accuracy) and dangles to challenge anyone out there.
2. Grit - who would of thought a Russian would ever show grit worth mentioning? Certainly not me, but he definitely does, always amongst the leaders in hits (unheard of for a skilled guy) and a willingness to drive the net like a prototypical power forward.
3. Passion - another thing usually lacking from the better Russian hockey players. Not Ovechkin though, this guy flat out loves the game, you can see it when he scores, when his teammates score and in the way he attacks at all times. It is even evident in the way he talks about the game.
Canadian hockey as a whole is still far and away the best, but as individual players go (and we have alot of them from this country), Ovechkin is the best right now (in my opinion). I hope some of the young Canadian players coming up will play the style he plays because I would love to argue the fact that a Canadian is the best, as has usually been the case.
Of the many traits that make a Canadian hockey player great, three are of utmost importance to make one in the top tier:
1. Skill - not much explanation needed, skills gained from a lifetime of practice and competing makes a Canadian hockey player unmatched (skating, shooting, passing, being awesome, etc.).
2. Grit - watch any playoff game and you will know what I mean, throwing big hits, taking big hits to make a play, blocking shots with any body part that will get the job done (covered by equipment or not).
3. Passion - the love for the game, the chasing of the dream, for every player that makes it there are thousands of guys that do not, all have the same love for the game and each guy that makes it represents the passion of every guy that does not.
There are lots of amazing players from around the world, and the truly great ones sometimes even display these traits to some degree. None though as much as Ovechkin. He is simply amazing and there is not one player I would prefer to watch right now more than him.
1. Skill - watch sportscentre any day after a Capitals game and you will see. He has insane speed, a killer shot (both in terms of velocity and accuracy) and dangles to challenge anyone out there.
2. Grit - who would of thought a Russian would ever show grit worth mentioning? Certainly not me, but he definitely does, always amongst the leaders in hits (unheard of for a skilled guy) and a willingness to drive the net like a prototypical power forward.
3. Passion - another thing usually lacking from the better Russian hockey players. Not Ovechkin though, this guy flat out loves the game, you can see it when he scores, when his teammates score and in the way he attacks at all times. It is even evident in the way he talks about the game.
Canadian hockey as a whole is still far and away the best, but as individual players go (and we have alot of them from this country), Ovechkin is the best right now (in my opinion). I hope some of the young Canadian players coming up will play the style he plays because I would love to argue the fact that a Canadian is the best, as has usually been the case.
Round 2
Okay instead of doing predictions for round two I am saying who i want to win...
Capitals over Penguins
Black Hawks over Canucks
Ducks over Red Wings
Bruins over Hurricanes
Who I think will actually come out on top is a different matter but these are the teams I am cheering for.
Got out to Hockey Life with Alex and Blake yesterday (can anyone say day trip, yay). Those guys have been real cool with coming to chill a whole bunch of times while I have been laid up, really appreciate that.
From what I hear they won a pretty exciting game last night, excellent start to the summer season.
Capitals over Penguins
Black Hawks over Canucks
Ducks over Red Wings
Bruins over Hurricanes
Who I think will actually come out on top is a different matter but these are the teams I am cheering for.
Got out to Hockey Life with Alex and Blake yesterday (can anyone say day trip, yay). Those guys have been real cool with coming to chill a whole bunch of times while I have been laid up, really appreciate that.
From what I hear they won a pretty exciting game last night, excellent start to the summer season.
Game Ssssseeevvvveeennnn
Two huge game 7s this evening, cant complain about the best thing in sports X 2 except that they are both on at the same time, that is unfortunate. my picks for those series were Washington and New Jersey respectively, and I am sticking with those picks for tonight's one offs.
I had the my staples removed yesterday (finally) and the surgeon said everything looks ok, bad news though is that he wants me to stay off work for another 2 or 3 weeks......I was originally expecting to go back tomorrow which would of been 2 weeks to the day. So needless to say im pretty bummed about that, for a couple reasons. First is that my boredom gets to continue, yipee, and second is that if Im not working than no money is coming in (contract positions are very lame, I know for a fact I will never do one again).
Awesome news of the day: Shane's return from Afghanistan. I know everyone is psyched that he made it back safe. I am going to try and make my way over to his place tomorrow and say whats up since he lives just around the corner (that will be my farthest walk to date too).
Summer hockey season begins this week, I think it is going to be a good season, cant wait till I can get out and play with the boys in a month or so but i know we will be a solid 4-0 by that point. Shit, that may not be so good, a great hockey mind constantly reminds us of the perils of changing a winning lineup (damn you Cherry). Well hopefully they take me back regardless, going to try and get out and watch them play this week though.
I had the my staples removed yesterday (finally) and the surgeon said everything looks ok, bad news though is that he wants me to stay off work for another 2 or 3 weeks......I was originally expecting to go back tomorrow which would of been 2 weeks to the day. So needless to say im pretty bummed about that, for a couple reasons. First is that my boredom gets to continue, yipee, and second is that if Im not working than no money is coming in (contract positions are very lame, I know for a fact I will never do one again).
Awesome news of the day: Shane's return from Afghanistan. I know everyone is psyched that he made it back safe. I am going to try and make my way over to his place tomorrow and say whats up since he lives just around the corner (that will be my farthest walk to date too).
Summer hockey season begins this week, I think it is going to be a good season, cant wait till I can get out and play with the boys in a month or so but i know we will be a solid 4-0 by that point. Shit, that may not be so good, a great hockey mind constantly reminds us of the perils of changing a winning lineup (damn you Cherry). Well hopefully they take me back regardless, going to try and get out and watch them play this week though.
Demonic Boredom
I like the term demonic boredom, i found it in the link i posted as the title. I am so bored right now i just spent 5 minutes researching boredom, pathetic? yes!
It is now one week since my surgery and my lack of mobility and therefore lack of ability to do much of anything that i normally do is starting to weigh on me. Those that know me best know that i am doing something active basically all the time. Be it running, going to the gym, playing hockey, golfing, snowboarding, etc...it is doing physically demanding things that keep me sane, if i am stressed i go do one of these things. In the long run I know one week (and the next week or two before i can get moving again) is not much, but when you are used to doing something active every single day for years on end it gets pretty tough to sit around and do nothing. Another thing i like to do is learn, seriously i love learning new things, be it in school or not. I do have the course I am taking that I can work on, but up to now i have not because the pain killers have made the head pretty foggy. Since I am now cutting back hard on these maybe I can start studying more.
Enough complaining.
I registered for my first marathon the other day (Road to Hope - Hamilton Marathon November 1, 2009). It is one of the things I will be heavily focusing on once I get back to normal day to day life in a few weeks. Looking real forward to this challenge.
I have to give a big thanks to my parents, they have been amazing this past week, keeping me as comfortable as possible and getting me everything i ask for and things i dont even think to ask for but they know i would like. they have always been awesome but this past week really shows it in an exaggerated way. I am going to have to do something super nice for them, suggestions are welcome.
It is now one week since my surgery and my lack of mobility and therefore lack of ability to do much of anything that i normally do is starting to weigh on me. Those that know me best know that i am doing something active basically all the time. Be it running, going to the gym, playing hockey, golfing, snowboarding, etc...it is doing physically demanding things that keep me sane, if i am stressed i go do one of these things. In the long run I know one week (and the next week or two before i can get moving again) is not much, but when you are used to doing something active every single day for years on end it gets pretty tough to sit around and do nothing. Another thing i like to do is learn, seriously i love learning new things, be it in school or not. I do have the course I am taking that I can work on, but up to now i have not because the pain killers have made the head pretty foggy. Since I am now cutting back hard on these maybe I can start studying more.
Enough complaining.
I registered for my first marathon the other day (Road to Hope - Hamilton Marathon November 1, 2009). It is one of the things I will be heavily focusing on once I get back to normal day to day life in a few weeks. Looking real forward to this challenge.
I have to give a big thanks to my parents, they have been amazing this past week, keeping me as comfortable as possible and getting me everything i ask for and things i dont even think to ask for but they know i would like. they have always been awesome but this past week really shows it in an exaggerated way. I am going to have to do something super nice for them, suggestions are welcome.
alive, sort of, kind of
Well my surgery was a couple of days ago and I am sort of starting to feel better. The day of was real rough, could not stand up without feeling extremely dizzy and nauseous, and they were trying to rush me out of the hospital far earlier than I should of been sent away. Did make it home though and spent the day/night in bed. The second day i woke up feeling 100 times better and was actually able to get out of bed. Spent the day on the couch playing xbox (thank you mass). Today I feel a little better again, starting to cut back on the drugs and the pain is somewhat subsiding. Hopefully the progress continues and at least a little bit of my time off can be enjoyable.
Round One Predictions
Boston v Montreal: Boston in 5
Washington v New York: Washington in 6
New Jersey v Carolina: New Jersey in 6
Pittsburgh v Philadelphia: Pittsburgh in 5
San Jose v Anaheim: San Jose in 7
Detroit v Columbus: Detroit in 4
Vancouver v St Louis: Vancouver in 5
Chicago v Calgary: Chicago in 6
It looks like I am choosing all favourites but with the way some teams have played down the stretch in come cases the favourites based on standing dont have the momentum as thier opponent. These predictions are a bit late but i have not watched any of the game ones yet due to being drugged up and in pain so i think this is fair.
Round One Predictions
Boston v Montreal: Boston in 5
Washington v New York: Washington in 6
New Jersey v Carolina: New Jersey in 6
Pittsburgh v Philadelphia: Pittsburgh in 5
San Jose v Anaheim: San Jose in 7
Detroit v Columbus: Detroit in 4
Vancouver v St Louis: Vancouver in 5
Chicago v Calgary: Chicago in 6
It looks like I am choosing all favourites but with the way some teams have played down the stretch in come cases the favourites based on standing dont have the momentum as thier opponent. These predictions are a bit late but i have not watched any of the game ones yet due to being drugged up and in pain so i think this is fair.
What a bunch of wieners
So I make my way home from work today, in a fairly good mood for a Monday too, well that changed right after I checked out tsn.ca and watched a video detailing the Montreal reaction to the 'physicality' in the Toronto game on Saturday. Their big complaint was the Grabovski hit on Markov that put him out for about 3 weeks. The hit by Grabo that was in no way dirty, it was shoulder on shoulder and because Markov has the balance of a 17 month old russian girl who got thrown out of figure skating school for looking like a catfish. So Montral is up in arms over this hit and how dirty it was and how out of place it was and how "you just dont do that". Shut up. Maybe all the players commenting in that video werent playing in the game where Van Ryn was smashed from behind, at full speed, face first into the dasher board by i believe it was Kostopolous (to lazy to look it up). That hit was one of the dirtiest in years, Van Ryn ended up with a severe concussion, mangled teeth and a fractured jaw...it was only out of pure good fortune that he didnt break his neck. No outcry then. Maybe all those same players also missed the game that KTC (Kostitsyn the Criminal) was chasing Schenn and gave him the dirty poke in the back of the skate to make him go feet first into the end boards at full speed, and once again pure luck avoided broken legs and ankles. No outcry then either. I hate hypocracy, so seriously if your going to preach then make sure you are not a far worse offender of the offence you are preaching against, they werent preaching though, they were bitching cause their team does not have the depth to do anything in the playoffs and they want to have all the excuses ready to go for when they get tuned in round one.
I was wondering how long it would take for a post to be about hockey, its about time id say, rest assured, if the Leafs were any good there would have been much more.
Snow today, craziness.
I was wondering how long it would take for a post to be about hockey, its about time id say, rest assured, if the Leafs were any good there would have been much more.
Snow today, craziness.
good day for a race
Today was the around the bay races. Alex, Danielle and I each did our first race, the 5K and lots of other people i know also did the 5K and some even braved the 30K. Good for everyone that did, getting out in the crazy rain and accomplishing something special. Tons of respect for all the volunteers, those people make events like that happen.
I finished the 5K in 22:51, that was good for 116/1588, as well as 12th in my age category. So all in all I am pretty happy with that, leaves some room for improvement, but that is always good.
The focus now shifts to preparing for my first marathon, i plan to do one in the fall. So lots of running from now until then with a 4-6 week break two weeks from now for surgery, hopefully that does not set me back too much.
Hopefully some people want to do some partying this coming weekend, it would be fun cause its been a while since everyone got out together, I could use some dancing in the near future.
I finished the 5K in 22:51, that was good for 116/1588, as well as 12th in my age category. So all in all I am pretty happy with that, leaves some room for improvement, but that is always good.
The focus now shifts to preparing for my first marathon, i plan to do one in the fall. So lots of running from now until then with a 4-6 week break two weeks from now for surgery, hopefully that does not set me back too much.
Hopefully some people want to do some partying this coming weekend, it would be fun cause its been a while since everyone got out together, I could use some dancing in the near future.
The Hamilton Canadien's
Just going to throw out an offer for all my friends to join me in putting together a partnership to buy the habs, move them to Hamilton and subsequently strip Saku Koivu of the captaincy (isn't it pathetic that hes a captain, man that has always bothered me). But back to business, we get some funds together and put in a firm offer before Balsillie mucks it up and offers season tickets for a team he does not own, Im sure the team can be had at a discount (ive heard the economy sucks?).
I got my mark back for the exam I wrote the other week, smashed it, right on. So good stuff, its the first step of many down. Seriously, you all better hire me as your financial advisor when i finish all this stuff.
I dont really follow any TV shows, with the exception being 'How I Met Your Mother'. That show is hilarious, Barney Stinson is by far the funniest character of all time.
I got my mark back for the exam I wrote the other week, smashed it, right on. So good stuff, its the first step of many down. Seriously, you all better hire me as your financial advisor when i finish all this stuff.
I dont really follow any TV shows, with the exception being 'How I Met Your Mother'. That show is hilarious, Barney Stinson is by far the funniest character of all time.
dirty, dirty, dirty
So I really like to run, its almost getting to the point of being an obsession lately, but that is alright I suppose. Though it does get boring sometimes. On Sunday being a beauty of a day we headed out to the Bruce Trail rather than the roads. The only reason I mention this is because of how insanely filthy we got. I have not been that muddy since I was a kid and I absolutely loved every second of it. One more reason to be happy that it is getting warmer out and the days are getting longer (plus the obvious that this season also means playoffs are so close).
Day Off
I took the day off work today because I am writing an exam this evening (CSC exam 1). It is the first exam I have had in well over a year since finishing university so it should be interesting. I am real glad to have taken the day off though, woke up at the normal time just out of habit, but it felt so nice to just roll over and sleep for another few hours with no alarm clock.
Not sure what I am going to do with all my time today but so far its looking like some time will be wasted and I think that is well deserved as of late.
Not sure what I am going to do with all my time today but so far its looking like some time will be wasted and I think that is well deserved as of late.
A Blog is Born...
I thought id give this a try. Reason being is that a bunch of friends have recently done so and I really do enjoy reading what they have to say (its high on my list of procrastination exercises, oh I should be studying).
An honest estimate is that 90% of what goes on here (for however long this lasts) will be complete nonsense, although I do have some good thoughts once in a blue moon and perhaps those too will join my ramblings.
So, if you are unfortunate enough to stumble upon my this then first; I apologize, and second; give it a read.
An honest estimate is that 90% of what goes on here (for however long this lasts) will be complete nonsense, although I do have some good thoughts once in a blue moon and perhaps those too will join my ramblings.
So, if you are unfortunate enough to stumble upon my this then first; I apologize, and second; give it a read.
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